Landscape Rocks and Boulders
Our quartzite boulders (rocks) have a natural composition made up of a grainy, glassy, sandpaper-like surface consisting in light colors of taupe, tan, blue, gray, red, brown, rust, copper, buff, and ivory. Our boulders will vary. Many have a weathered rich dark brown, light brown, and ivory quartzite rock that has a wide array of lighter colors mixed within (rust, brown, gray, blue, tan, and copper).
Quartzite boulders (rocks) are a hard non-foliated metamorphic rock which was originally pure quartz sandstone. Quartzite is know for its harder and more resistant surface with an approximate Mohs scale rating of 7.7, third to corundrum, topaz, and diamond(s).

Quartzite also has a sandstone portion which is converted into quartzite through heating and pressure usually related to tectonic compression within orogenic belts. Pure quartzite is usually white to grey, though quartzite often occur in various shades of pink and red due to varying amounts of iron oxide (Fe2O3). Other colors, such as yellow, green, blue and orange, are due to other minerals.
Ultimately, when you come to the desired surfacing material is when you really have to work through your options. Remember our boulders are similar to a Windridge Boulder (a weathered rich dark brown quartzite with a wide array of lighter colors).

Typical Sizes Of Boulders:
1 foot on the long dimension = 150 to 275 lbs.
2 feet on the long dimension = 1,200 to 1,550 lbs.
3 feet on the long dimension = 4,300 to 5,025 lbs.
4 feet on the long dimension = 10,000 to 15,000 lbs. plus
5 feet or larger —- please contact us for further information
* Please note that this is a natural stone. They are not perfectly round boulders. The size of the boulder refers to the height of the boulder when it is laying on the ground. For example you could order a 1 foot boulder. You might get a one foot boulder high but it could be 3 feet long as it is lays on the ground. If you are looking for perfectly round boulders, you must say that at time of order. Price changes because they have to be hand-picked. Most of the time when you are building a rock wall, the height is what you need to use to build equal lifts or shelf levels that are the same height.
Common Uses:
Retaining walls
Water features, waterfalls, and bridges
Decorative rock features
University marquee, school or business landmark
Rock art display
Sculptures and monuments